Ilula Orphan Program Staff and Volunteers, Including Dr. Hastings and Ryan Hastings
AMANI Clinical Services is deeply proud to support the incredible work of the Ilula Orphan Program (IOP) in Ilula, Tanzania. Dr. Hastings and her husband have the honor of sponsoring the education of 6 children. These children come from impoverished families and several have lost at least 1 parent due to the difficult conditions of life in this region. Our first student, Ivan, has just graduated from Teacher's College!
In addition to the opportunity to help children achieve their–and their families’– educational dreams, Dr. Hastings and her husband Ryan Hastings of Hastings Photography & Design, travel to the IOP and volunteer regularly. The first project the couple started was the photography project. They work hard to provide excellent portraits of the girls at the Center, staff, and the relationships among the community. This may sound trivial from the developed world perspective. However, many children and adults have few, if any, pictures of themselves or their memories. In addition, they compile the photos into a compilation photo album for the community. This ritual means SO much to the community. They can't wait, each time the couple arrives, for the unveiling of the book! And to receive pictures of themselves.
In 2016, they launched their trauma training program for IOP staff, teachers, single young mothers, and the girls. They also work with the girls in the Orphan Center, work with the Foster Family Program, with the Single Young Mothers Program, work in construction, and any other tasks that are needed (the needs are great, the work is diverse and very rewarding).

The completed first version of the STEM-SEL-Cultural Representation Center.

Dr. Hastings with Ester, Stella, Angel, and Delila.
In March 2018, with the help of their nieces Samantha & Sara, Dr. Hastings & Ryan Hastings took a corner of the children's room in the library and created the first STEM-SEL (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math-Social-Emotional Learning) center/Maker Space! They researched the best resources for encouraging independent learning and expansion of ideas for children. They believe that Tanzanian children deserve access to the same quality resources available to American children in the best public and private schools and are determined to ensure that access. Teachers from all IOP schools (preschools, primary schools, and high schools) received an orientation on each item/book in the center and ideas for use with students. Lastly, as many books in the Children's Library were donated by Europeans and Americans, books (especially in the areas of science) were profoundly outdated, and literature books were exclusively written in English (not Swahili) and had content relevant to a White, suburban audience. Dr. Hastings and Ryan Hastings couldn't have that--cultural and linguistic representation matters. So, they began a large collection of books, many written in English/Swahili with content relevant to a rural, sub-Saharan African lifestyle, as well as many books with protagonists of Color/from the African diaspora. Along with continued expansion and resource addition for the STEM-SEL center, Dr. Hastings would like to provide IQ testing to all students in IOP's schools and create a Giftedness Curriculum.

Winnie, Delila, Levania, Lestuta, and Angel
In November 2018, Dr. Hastings & Ryan Hastings will be bringing the Center more items for the STEM-SEL-Cultural/Linguistic Representation Project...and will also be bringing a new TV! In March, Dr. Hastings, Ryan Hastings, and their nieces threw a party for the girls to view Moana. It was a HUGE HIT. The girls only have a couple of movies donated by volunteers, they are very old, and only have White characters. Seeing Moana wasn't cultural representation, but it was much closer! They will provide a new TV with a built in DVD player and host a viewing party of Black Panther, the Marvel film, which was a very significant moment in history for African Americans and Africans alike. They will also begin a movie collection with movies relevant to Sub-Saharan African culture (e.g. Queen of Katwe) and many movies that are part of the African American canon (e.g. The Wiz). Cultural representation matters!
Travel to IOP also enables them to interact with other international volunteers and engage in meaningful brainstorming regarding ways to better support the community and expand services. Lastly, AMANI Clinical Services has a boutique in the office. Each trip to Tanzania, Dr. Hastings and her husband purchase handmade handicraft items from local people and sell them to patients. EVERY PENNY of those sales is donated to the Ilula Orphan Program.
This incredible organization, which touches the lives of so many in the Iringa region of Tanzania, has completely won the hearts of Dr. Hastings and Ryan Hastings. IOP’s mission is to:
IOP Center Girls playing with donated toys from Dr. Hastings & Associates
“The Ilula Orphan Program strives to provide the Tanzanian community, in particular, the most vulnerable children, women, and other marginalized groups with opportunities for quality education, life skills, counseling, and social economic sustainability regardless of race and religion. Through providing these opportunities, it aims to create a healthy, educated, and economically and socially developed Tanzanian community where human rights and integrity are respected and upheld.
Through its mission and vision, the IOP shall uphold its values of commitment, creativity, volunteerism, cooperation, integrity, transparency, honesty, accountability, and respect to gender equality and equity.”

Dr. Hastings and Ryan Hastings at the Ilula Orphan Program Center

Ester, Happy, Prisca and Vicki, playing with Dr. Hastings.
Dr. Hastings and Ryan Hastings have seen these components of the mission in action in person, a profoundly moving experience. Dr. Hastings & Associates and Hastings Photography & Design are currently developing a 5 year plan to support more areas of IOP’s wonderful work. If you are interested in joining our passion for this great cause, please view IOP’s website. There are many ways to get involved!

Samantha, Sara, Dr. Hastings & Ryan Hastings, 2018, after the STEM-SEL Center had been finished!

Samantha and Veneranda during Samantha's first trip to IOP in 2016. Learning to play the drums Tanzanian style.