Heart to Heart Conversations ©2017
So, Dr. Hastings created the idea of Heart to Heart Conversations ©2017. Patients can write anonymous letters to other patients to conceptualize their journey, validate fears, conflict and uncertainties, and help others understand why is important to keep moving, even when the path is difficult.
Kids to Kids
Kids and teens have adults telling them what to do from the moment they wake up until the moment they go to bed. Frequently, parents direct the pursuit of help for children and kids may not feel like they have a voice. As much as Dr. Hastings and our therapists work with children and advocate for them, we are still adults…adding to the number of adults weighing in on the choices of children and teens. Many of our pediatric and adolescent patients feel that they are the ONLY one going through what they are going through...
Adults to Adults
Even as adults, we need support and encouragement to address symptoms that have been plaguing us for a long time, memories and experiences from our childhood that still have a grip on us, or the challenges of “adulting.” Heart to Heart Conversations, written by adults to adults, is a way for our patients to receive the anonymous encouragement of another adult who is further along in the treatment process and for adults who are further along in their treatment process...